Best Destination, Best Price

Frequently Asked Questions :

1. How far is the hotel from railway station ?

It is only 3 km. from Puri railway station.

2. How far is the hotel from The Jagannath Temple ?

It is only ONE km from the temple.

3. How far is the hotel from the sea beach ?

Only 2 mins from the hotel gate.

4. Where is your advance booking centers ?

Click the BOOKING section and you will get all the details.

5. Do you arrange up down train / air ticket ?

Yes, with prior notification and availability.

6. Will I have to book a room with full payment ?

No, only half payment is to be made.

7. What will happen to my booking money if my trip gets cancelled ?

Your money will be refund after deduction 20% from total value.

8. Is there any off season discount ?

Yes. (T & C applycable)

9. If for any serious reason I have to return in the midst of my stay in your hotel, will there be any money refund ?

It will depend on circumstances.

10. Do you have arrangement of separate kitchen for boarders to cook as they wish for themselves ?

Yes, but with prior notification.

11. Have you any arrangement of sight seeing / packaged tour ?


12. Is it compulsory to have food from your hotel only ?


13. Do you provide necessary facilities for family functions / events ?

Yes, but with prior notification.